Friday 3 June 2011

Why All the Talk about Cleansing?

I recently attended a screening of the documentary "Living Downstream".  Based on the book of the same name, the film follows author Sandra Steingraber, PhD, as she travels across North America speaking about cancer and its environmental links.

As a health coach and someone who not only does regular cleansing myself but coaches others in cleansing, I kept thinking about the importance of regular nutritional cleansing as I watched the film.  We are exposed daily to a barrage of environmental pollutants in our air, water, and homes.  Did you know that chemicals and toxins are the primary cause of illness, disease and obesity?  And disease and obesity, in turn, are two of the main causes of premature aging.

What's important to understand about man-made chemicals such as those found in our cleaning supplies, is that the body simply does not know what to do with them.  The human body isn't designed to process toxins.  So, what does it do with them?  Well, if the body is not supported by a nutritionally rich diet and regular cleansing, the toxins get stored in the fat tissues. The more toxins, the more fat the body manufactures in which to store them.  As toxins and chemicals accumulate over time, the body's organs, including its main filtering organs, become overworked and weak. 

Regular nutritional cleansing supports the body against the daily onslaught of environmental pollutants.  We can't avoid them, but we can help our bodies better cope with them.  65% of the world's population cleanses on a regular basis.  Do you?

Watch my video on cleansing at Start Cleansing Now

For more information on the Living Downstream documentary, visit the website at:  Living Downstream    Check out the trailer at the YouTube link below:

Living Downstream Trailer