Thursday 19 April 2012

Are you as Healthy as Your House Plants?

House Plants Reinforce Problem with Mineral Deficiency

As a health coach I spend a lot of time educating people on the impact on our health of mineral depletion in our soils. Recently, my house plants provided a wonderful illustration, on a micro level, of what is happening on a planet-wide scale with our now mineral-starved soils.

Caring for my house plants is a bit of a hobby for me. I love how they fill the spaces in our home, make the rooms look warm and inviting and, on a more practical level, how they clean the air. I like to think I take good care of them, but I must admit that I've been somewhat negligent about replenishing the soil in their pots of late. And while my plants were growing well, I knew they needed mineral replenishment of the soil: they were living but not thriving. It was time for some good quality plant food.

Within less than a week of giving food to my plants, I noticed four new leaf shoots on a plant that hadn't had new shoots in months. But more startlingly, a plant that I had been growing for 4 years flowered for the first time! Now that I see it in bloom I know it has been starved of essential soil compounds for a long time.

My plant story is a great illustration of what humans are experiencing on the planet. We are eating food that has been grown in mineral deficient soils. Thus our bodies are not getting the complete nutrition we need for optimal health. We are surviving but not thriving. We are not blossoming. We tell ourselves that the aches, pains and inflammation we experience are normal, catching colds is normal, gaining weight is normal, being tired is normal, and the list goes on. But in fact, much of what ails us can be traced to mineral deficiencies.

What if, like my plants, your body is struggling just to maintain basic health, and what is viewed as "normal" health is just slightly above malnutrition. What would happen if you actually gave your body all of the nutrition it needs to function at peak performance?
  • Would the joint discomfort diminish or even disappear? 
  • Would our immune system function so well that we would rarely get sick? 
  • Would we have more energy?
  • Would we lose excess weight naturally without dieting?
The short answer is…yes!

Scientist have identified 84 different minerals that our body's need to survive, however, a lack of specific minerals in our diet has been shown to increase susceptibility to diseases such as heart disease (magnesium), cancer (selenium), diabetes (chromium) and mental illnesses (zinc). Dr. Linus Pauling, the two-time Nobel Prize winner, said "you can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency." So the solution is obvious.

Your body wants to be healthy and when given the nutrition it craves, it will work to achieve optimum health and weight. With the lack of nutrients in our foods, it is essential that you take high quality nutritional supplements to ensure your body is getting what it needs.

And from now on my plants will get high quality food along with their water.

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